30 October 2011


Many events happened this weekend that I did not expect and all of them were full of goodness.

1. After J and I finished our errands yesterday, an ice cream truck broke down right in front of us when we we were less than a mile from home. We ended up pushing the truck to a nearby gas station, at which point we were having difficulties getting it up the ramp. Next thing I know, a smallish SUV pulls up and pushes the ice cream truck. I was really impressed by that act. Now, I wish I could say the ice cream man gave us tons of free ice cream. Alas, he did not, but he was very thankful to those who helped him in his time of need.

2. We recycled this summers inventory of glass bottles, plastics and cans. It turned out that we had about $16 worth of recyclable goods. It also turned out that we were starving; thus, we drove on down to El Burrito, a magical burrito stand in Redlands, and we had lunch. Our garage is also a little cleaner. Success!

3. All of our summer projects are finally getting done! I think I've decided that the summer is a HORRIBLE time to do ANYTHING because it is so dang HOT. Once the temperature has dipped below 83, J and I are much more inclined to do all the little things. We finally put new knobs and handles on our dresser, cleaned up the kitchen pantry and organized our closet. J even knocked down the popcorn ceiling in the upstairs landing! Go him. :) Our little home is coming together quite nicely.

Other good things that happened this weekend: dessert every night, getting a $100 refund check from school, catching up on Grey's Anatomy on Hulu, sleeping in and getting extra snuggle time.

I hope you all are having a fantastic weekend! What are some good things that you've been experiencing?

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