29 October 2011

Clean House

Today is the day that J and I will be cleaning up the house, as opposed to this. This week seemed to be quite hectic and thus everything was tossed aside for the weekend. Also, this seems to be the week to clean up summer clutter and get ready for the cozy season that is upon us.

Here are some things on my to do list:
Take several bags of clothes and other unused items to local thrift store
Clean up office
Lots of laundry
Super-clean the kitchen
Vacuum the carpets and the inside of my car (which is not in the house, but needs to be done anyway)

Other things to do this weekend:
study for Learning and Memory psych test and write an argumentative paper on ... something.

What will you be doing this weekend?


skippysays said...

Aw, I hope you take some time to just chill out and relax this weekend too! Good luck on your test yet again :) I'm sure you'll rock it!

Romwe Online said...

just finished my P.E test on Sat.And the whole body aching Sun.:c not too bad
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Katlin Elizabeth said...

@Romwe, I hope your body feels stronger and better!

@ Skippy, You're so sweet! I did get a lot of relaxing done this weekend. I hope you did, too!